Walking for Wishes 2015

Walk for Wishes 3

Chi Omega Theta Delta is proud to announce that we will be hosting a Walking for Wishes event this September to raise money for the Make A Wish Foundation! More details are coming, but here is some basic information to put on your calendar! We hope you will consider supporting us and helping Chi Omega grant another wish!

⭐️When?: September 12th, 2015 at 8 am

⭐️Where?: Carroll University

⭐️Why?: To support a great cause!!

⭐️There will be a $5 registration fee for all Carroll students with an ID and a $10 fee for all other participants. Complimentary beverages will be provided!

⭐️⭐️Follow the link to our official event page to keep up to date on event details!⭐️⭐️


Letter From Our President

president photo

So we have a special treat today! Our lovely president, Candace Damato, wrote a letter to anyone considering joining a sorority. It goes without saying that joining a sorority is a big decision that can effect your entire college experience–and even your life after graduation. After all, sisterhood is for a life time! 

We hope anyone who is–or even isn’t!–thinking about Greek life would consider reading this letter and take what our president has said to heart. We love Chi Omega, and we know anyone would be proud to wear our letters. XOXΩ

To anyone considering joining a sorority,

I could tell you about all the incredible women you’ll meet who will turn into your lifelong friends. I could talk about how fun it is to get dressed up for chapter meetings or formals. I could share memories of staying up too late eating ice cream and laughing with sisters. But I’m not going to. Why not? Because these are probably things that you have already heard all about! While these are all great reasons to join a sorority, and definitely some of the reason I did, there are many other reasons that sometimes go unnoticed. These are the things that I want to share with you!

For example, did you know that sororities fundraise for different organizations? Chi Omega is affiliated nationwide with the Make-A-Wish foundation! Some of the best memories I have are from putting together fundraisers to raise money for Make-A-Wish Wisconsin. Whether it’s writing letters to Santa, or serving hundreds of chicken wings, the memories made and the laughter shared is unforgettable. Giving back to the community is one of the most fulfilling ways to spend your four short years in college!

How else should your college years be spent? Well, I would recommend getting involved on campus! There are a ton of other organizations on campus. Odds are one of your sisters is already in one, and would love to take you with her! I’d also make sure to attend a few sporting events. What’s better than going to a football game on a Saturday afternoon? Going with your sisters!! And after all, ChiOs love the Pios!

But wait. Let’s remember why we are in college in the first place. To get an education, right? Did you know that sororities hold scholarship to the highest standards? Chi Omega here at Carroll University consistently has a GPA above our national standard! Just this past semester alone, we had 18 girls on the Dean’s list, and 7 girls earned a 4.0 GPA! But how, you might ask, can you possibly maintain such a high GPA while doing all of these extracurricular activities?! Well, that’s easy! Chapter study nights! We love spending time with one another, and we all study anyways, so why not do it together?!

But what about after college? Finding a career and making new friends all over again can seem a bit intimidating. But, have no fear! Chi Omega is not just four years, it’s for a lifetime! Being part of the largest sorority in the nation means that you have hundreds of thousands of networking opportunities right at your fingertips. With over 240 alumnae chapters nationwide, you are sure to find Chi Omega sisters wherever life takes you!

So why join a sorority? It will absolutely change your life! I have become more confident, more scholarly, and have never felt more passionate about giving back to the community! But why Chi Omega? Because we strive to be well-rounded women. Because we make a difference in the world. Because we are unique. Whether you’re an athlete, an artist, or anything else, Chi Omega accepts you. I am night owl. I am a peanut butter addict. I am Chi Omega! My sisters in Chi Omega are my daily inspiration, and my family away from home. While I will be sad to someday leave my collegiate chapter, I find comfort in knowing that sisterhood never stops.


Candace Damato

Chi Omega – Theta Delta Chapter President